'This is Us' star Chrissy Metz denies getting gastric bypass surgery
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Monthly Archives: February 2017
Cosmetic Surgeries – Medical Reasons For Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic surgeries are gaining momentum in the United States, and not just for restoring beauty and reversing the aging process. This article details the many procedures being performed by plastic surgeons for reasons aside from enhancing one’s appearance. Read further to know more.
Breast Augmentations
By far the most common of all the cosmetic surgeries is the breast augmentation. No longer should images of the Hollywood actress come to mind at the mention of such. As breast cancer rates increase, the sale of breast implants does as well. Restoring a breast cancer survivor’s body contour through the use of implants is widely accepted and practiced.
Conversely, breast reductions are performed on women for the treatment and prevention of back ailments resulting from the weight of the breasts. Breast lifts are frequently being done on women who have experienced significant weight loss and suffer with a loss of elasticity in their breasts. These gastric bypass patients often undergo numerous cosmetic surgeries as a result of excess skin, weakened muscle tone and other issues.
Facial Cosmetic Surgeries
Reconstructive plastic surgery is routinely being done on both men and women of varying ages. Rhinoplasty or nose jobs, are common procedures to correct sleep apnea and other breathing difficulties created by nasal abnormalities and obstructions.
Plastic surgeons frequently perform skin cancer removal on the face area, using their reconstructive expertise to minimize damage and repair the surface of the skin.
Cleft lip and palate repair are common procedures done by plastic surgeons. These malformations impair the patient’s ability to eat and communicate, creating a medical need for the reconstruction.
Other Reconstructive Procedures
Reconstruction on trauma patients is a vast area of practice for plastic surgeons. Rebuilding bone structure and repairing the surface of the skin are all medical necessities for these patients. Burn victims are also seen by reconstructive plastic surgeons.
The possibility of insurance covering cosmetic surgeries for medical needs is very high, depending on one’s existing coverage. When the procedures are no longer elective, but instead used to treat, cure or correct a medical ailment or problem, it places these procedures into a different category among many insurance companies.
Oftentimes, doctors are able to work alongside insurance companies to explain the need for the procedure, resulting in the insurance company picking up all or part of the bill. For more information on when plastic surgery becomes medically necessary, contact your local plastic surgeon.
Source by Abigail Aaronson
How Dan's weight loss inspired Brodie
How Dan's weight loss inspired Brodie
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Reduce Stomach Fat – Top 3 Tips To Teach You How To Reduce Stomach Fat
Stomach fat poses a huge problem for many. They are concern not only on how they look but also the problem on health. As such, to reduce stomach fat is a necessary need. How vanity influences you at some point can be of help to get rid of health related problems with the occurrence of stomach fat.
Whatever you may want to call it, beer belly, love handles, pot belly, bilbil or mid section fats, all that and more are simply referring to stomach fat. No one would love to have those stubborn belly fat; you are crazy when you love it otherwise. You hate it when you touch your belly even when lying flat on bed; most of all you hate it when you sit down as the layers of stomach fat are very evident especially when wearing fitting tops. You cannot even bear the thought of waking up every morning with that heavy thing hanging in your body. Just even before leaving the house you would look at the mirror and there you see that one thing you hate in your body – stomach fat. That can even ruin your day. Self esteem and confidence will always get affected, how you look at yourself and how well do you look from other’s eyes. However, one must know that having stomach fat will not only make you disgusting, but it will also make you unhealthy.
YES! You are unhealthy when you have it. Fat in your stomach is plainly dangerous comparing to the fats in the thighs or in any part of the body because it is close to the internal organs. It can also interrupt bowel and bladder functions. These are just an indication that a disease is waiting to happen. So, when you have the stomach fat, it is but your instinct or commonly it is the instinct of all to reduce and get rid of it whatever it takes, but what makes it different is the ability and willingness to put the instinct into action. You cannot do anything when you just wait for nothing; make the best decision now, not tomorrow. So, boost your confidence now for a start and make your life worth living again.
Set Goals!
Before doing anything, it is important to set goal so that you know where you are heading. This is also a motivation for you to focus and face the challenges that you will be meeting on your way to achieve the desired result – reduce stomach fat.
First: Change your eating habits and eating time!
Changing your eating habits is significant especially when you are eating unhealthily. When you used to consume high fatty, salty, sweets and calorie foods, get rid of them now. In short, as much as possible avoid eating junk foods, fried foods (chicken, hotdogs, fries, etc.), chocolates, your favorite sweets, canned goods, instant noodles, packed foods, pasta, pizza, hamburgers, soft drinks, and all other unhealthy foods which you are crazy over with. When you are a rice eater, choose brown rice. Start eating whole grained foods, high protein and high fiber foods and flush body with more water, 6-8 glasses daily. When you used to eat 2-3 big meals daily, change it. Break down the bigger meals into 5-6 small meals daily with 3 hours interval. In each meal, make sure you have lean meat, veggies and whole grain. As such, the key point here is: eat right, avoid the unnecessary and do not overeat.
Second: Work Out…
Achieve flat stomach with diet plus right exercise. There are misconceptions about sit-ups and crunches that they can lose stomach fat. This has a minimal effect and will not help you achieve your fitness goal. The best way is to workout the whole body through cardio training. This exercise involves working the major muscle groups. You can do jogging, power walking, running, tread milling, bicycling, and swimming for at least 30 minutes daily, 3-5 times weekly.
It is also more effective when incorporating weight training exercises to your activity. By just simply crunching, hold dumbbells while performing it and you will feel intense abdominal contraction. Do side bending with dumbbells too and make it as your routine together with the cardio training.
Enjoy also some physical activities at home, don’t be lazy! Do some floor scrubbing and mapping, clothes washing and gardening. These are commonly done at home and without your knowledge, it can actually help burn body fats. So for those lazy people there who have problems dealing with stomach fat, get up and help. You are hitting 2 birds in one stone.
Third: No To Cosmetic Surgeries…
In as much as we want to reduce stomach fat, we are stuck with time, and we do not know how to balance time from work, home and our goal to reduce thigh fat. Since we are left with dilemma, we rather choose the fastest which cannot hinder our time to do things necessary for a living.
Liposuction, tummy tuck and bariatric surgery are the most common cosmetic surgeries that frustrated dieters are availing. These are not highly recommended because of the side effects and contraindication during surgery. Yes it can lose stomach fat, but sustaining it requires diet and exercise.
'This Is Us' First Look: Kate Decides Against Gastric Bypass — For Now
Compare Affordable Adjustable Gastric band Surgery Abroad price of gastric band surgery united kingdom 'This Is Us' Start Looking: Kate Decides Against Gastric Bypass — For The Time Being'This Is Us' Start Looking: Kate Decides Against Gastric Bypass — For The Time Being. Duration: 01:35 1 hr ago. SHARE · SHARE · TWEET · SHARE · EMAIL.See all tales about this subject
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Protein Needs and Senile Dementia
In addition to Alzheimer’s disease, the most serious and the most common of the progressive dementias, there are a number of other diseases that may cause senile dementia, or in layman’s terms, confusion that is beyond the normal for aging adults. While it is common for some minor confusion or memory problems to develop in older adults, senile dementia goes beyond what is considered to be normal. Four to five percent of Americans of both genders, over the age of 65 have some degree of mental and intellectual impairment (Source: MacLean, ed. 1993).
Besides Alzheimer’s disease which is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, (behind heart disease, cancer and stroke) there are a number of curable or treatable causes for senile dementia including over medication, often seen in patients in long term care facilities, malnutrition and dehydration. Other causes that can cause the symptoms that mimic the dementia related to Alzheimer’s disease include: depression, chronic alcoholism, infections, heart disease, kidney failure, thyroid disease, head injury and anemia.
Another cause can be stroke which affects at least two million American adults. Twice as many women as men are at risk or have had a stroke. Stroke is yet another common cause of confusion or mental impairment in the elderly. Another disease, Parkinson’s disease may also cause some senile dementia as well. Parkinson’s is thought to affect one person out of forty in the over sixty age group. It is recognized most often by tremor, rigidity and a bent posture.
No matter what the reason for the dementia, there are generally three steps to getting the person back to their best mental health: address the cause, increase the nutrition and increase the mental stimulation for the patient.
Addressing the Cause
While there are a number of conditions that can be treatable, even curable, nothing can happen if the cause is not discovered. Because there is no definitive test for Alzheimer’s disease, it is most often found in the process of ruling out other diseases and conditions. Depression is one of the major causes for senile dementia and should be ruled out first. There are many causes of depression in this age group including declining physical health, loss of family members, lack of money and the need for more assistance than they are comfortable with.
Another common cause for dementia is the incidence of blood clots in the brain which may cause a condition that is sometimes called “pseudo dementia” because the symptoms tend to diminish once surgery or other treatments are started.
Improper nutrition and fluid intake, however is one of the most common causes of senile dementia and is often seen in those who are living in nursing homes or other long term care facilities. The longer that the patient is living in the nursing home, the higher the risk of developing nutrition and dehydration related impairment. Dehydration plays a role in senile dementia because it affects the electrolyte balance. Without proper nutrition, the electrolyte imbalance is likely to become even more affected and the confusion can progress even further. In addition to symptoms of confusion, an electrolyte imbalance can lead to more serious problems including irregular heart rhythms which can in turn cause heart attack.
High blood pressure, especially when it is not monitored and not controlled can also cause senile dementia and puts the person at a much higher risk for stroke. Kidney disease, which may also be affected by high blood pressure, can cause some dementia as the kidneys start failing to sufficiently filter the blood and fluid levels in the body becomes affected. Kidney disease affects the blood pressure, but blood pressure also affects the kidneys: it is important to monitor the blood pressure, especially in elderly patients who are deemed to have pre-hypertension.
It is important to remember that while some memory lapses may be normal, serious mental impairment or signs of dementia are not just the course of nature and a normal sign of aging. Any signs of deteriorating mental status should be investigated immediately.
Increasing the Nutrition
Many senior citizens live alone, on very tight budgets. They are often lonely, depressed and have a physical limitation that can prevent them from getting the food that they need. When they do have food, they are often uninterested in eating not only because of depression or illness but because of a slowing in the metabolism that may leave them with little appetite to speak of. For these people, it may become more and more difficult to find the desire to eat, just as much as finding the actual food to eat.
Tastes change as we age and foods that once were favorites may hold little appeal. The sheer act of cooking a meal may be exhausting physically as well as a reminder of the crushing loneliness that the person feels. They stop eating or in other cases may opt to only eat unhealthy snack foods once or twice a day.
A protein supplement is a perfect way for the older adult to get good nutrition into their diet so that they can stay strong and healthy both mentally and physically. The life expectancy for the average American has increased steadily in recent years, not only because of advances in medicine but in increased knowledge about the importance of good nutrition as well as physical and mental activity. There are many different types of protein supplements, however, liquid supplements might be far easier for the senior to manage and can be a faster way to get the most nutrition, including increased protein into their diet.
The best of the liquid supplements are: protein shakes, powders and the liquid protein supplement shots. Protein shakes are ready to drink and come in the common flavors that the senior will be familiar with. They boost protein intake as well as a number of additional nutrients and can get the senior at least close to a healthy calorie intake for the day.
Protein Supplement Powders
Whey protein powder is one of the best of the four types (soy, rice and egg are the other three) and comes in two types, the concentrate (30-85% protein) and the isolate (90% protein). Both are derivatives of milk, a byproduct of the making of cheese with the isolate having far less lactose and therefore better for those who might be mildly lactose intolerant.
Whey protein powder has a number of benefits for the aging adult including the ability to slow both muscle and bone loss overall. It also has a number of protective anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties that may improve the immune system and plays a role in the care of heart disease and blood pressure regulation (Source: Whey Protein Institute).
Soy protein powder also has a number of heart related benefits and has been shown to reduce the blood cholesterol that is a major risk factor in developing heart disease including heart attack and stroke.
Supplement Shots
The liquid protein supplement shot might be appealing to the senior citizen because they are small. Profect from Protica is only 2.9 fluid ounces, but has a major nutritional punch: it is 100 calories, 25 grams of protein, zero carbs, zero fats, 100% of the day’s Vitamin C, 10% of the daily supply of the Vitamin B complex.
Brisbane mother loses 54kgs after getting gastric sleeve
Brisbane mother loses 54kgs after getting gastric sleeve
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How to Lose 50 Pounds in 11 Weeks – 5 Things You Must Do
Trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks can seem like a formidable task, but I assure you it can be done.
I’m assuming you’re not interested in using weight loss pills, appetite suppressants, surgery or any of that other junk to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks, which is good…’cos I hate those things. Don’t get me wrong, they have their place in certain situations, but in most cases, are an unnecessarily extreme measure.
When you consider that a gastric bypass operation can cost anywhere between $25,000 to $35,000 US dollars, you have to question whether the advice given to some folks to go through with it is in their best interests or that of the surgeon and his pocket.
Trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks may be a tough challenge but there are a few things you can do to make your life easier.
Here are 5 top tips you should follow when trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks.
1) Believe in yourself / set goals
The first and most important thing is getting in the right frame of mind. This may sound strange since you already know you want to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks…so what do I mean?
Well, don’t worry, I’m not gonna go all Tony Robbins on you and get you jumping up and down in a euphoric state (although there is some truth to that). Rather, I’m saying that you need a clear picture of where you want to be, and focus on it. You need to feel like you’ve already managed to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks…think about it…how does it really feel. Are your work colleagues inspired and envious of your new body and transformation? Do you have the confidence that you were lacking to ask out that hot guy or gal you’ve had your eye on for like forever?
Only by picturing it in your mind will you be able to set goals for your success and believe that you can and will lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks. The goals will be the checkpoints on your journey, the self-belief will be the fuel that keeps you going.
2) Find a good trainer and surround yourself with good like-minded people
This is an essential and often overlooked part of trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks. A lot of people don’t realise that who they surround themselves with plays a huge part in their self-belief, attitude, and overall motivation and determination. It has been said that a person is the average of the 5 or 10 people they hang around with the most, and this regards health, wealth, ambition, aspiration, relationships, family etc. This is not a hard and fast rule, but I feel there is some truth to it.
Trying to lose a lot of weight quickly will be demanding and therefore you want to surround yourself with positive folks who are rooting for you, and not people who are waiting for you to fail, so they can say “I told you so!”
Now, I’m not saying you should just give up and avoid your family and friends, but rather to seek out folks who have similar goals, and understand your situation. Finding people who have been where you are now and achieved your goals can give you a real push to do the same. Why do you think things like Weight Watchers clubs are so successful? It’s because they bring all these people together and they help each other out.
Where can you find these people? There are loads of forums online where you can find people who are trying to lose weight. Just going to Google or Yahoo and typing something like “weight loss + forum” (without the quotes) will yield all sorts of great things. There are also loads of weight loss and fitness programs online that you can follow to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks.
The same applies to your trainer, coach, or workout program that you choose to follow. Are they supportive yet ambitious, pushing you on when things get tough? If not, find one that is.
Obviously, diet and nutrition is fundamentally important when trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks. Taking on too many calories will mean you always put on weight, period. Therefore, you will need to create a caloric deficit, by taking on fewer calories than you burn, forcing your body to burn up the fat deposits and use it as energy.
Finding the right diet is important, and many folks go about it the wrong way. Starving yourself is a big no-no. You may lose a few pounds in the first few days, but it won’t last, as your body will transition into starvation mode and slow down your metabolism to burn less fat (it’s your in-built survival mechanism), making it even harder to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks.
So what can you do? Eat more! Yes, by eating smaller meals more regularly you will maintain your metabolism at a higher rate, and this, combined with exercise, will help you lose the pounds faster.
Green fibrous vegetables like broccoli, green beans, asparagus and lettuce are great healthy foods that can actually help you to burn fat, and it’s almost impossible to overeat on them. Eating more of them in the later part of the day along with a good lean protein like chicken breast is one of the best methods of getting lean as quickly as possible, and losing 50 pounds in 11 weeks.
4) Follow a good exercise plan
Without exercise, even the best diet plan in the world will struggle to help you lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks. You need to exercise in order to get the full benefit of the caloric deficit we mentioned earlier. It will create the furnace where you burn off those unwanted pounds.
Regular exercise also aids the mind, confidence and overall health. By tightening up, toning and growing your muscle, you also help your body to burn fat faster. Did you know that muscle can actually help you burn fat? So the more muscle you have the more fat you can burn, because your metabolism will work faster with more muscle.
Find a good training and exercise plan, with a good variety of cardiovascular work for your overall fitness, endurance and toning exercises like pushups and sit-ups, and some light weight training.
5) Stick to it!
This is the most important and often the hardest thing when trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks. The best diet, exercise routine, trainer, and goals, mean nothing without the small action of going and actually doing it. Things may get tough over the next 11 weeks, but sticking to it and following through will show results, and you’ll be amazed at what you achieve. Once you see a little success you’ll be hungry for more and then it’ll be so hard to stop the momentum you build up, that 50 pounds in 11 weeks will seem like a piece of cake!
Is Your Support Group Helping Your Weight Loss Efforts?
Compare Best Cost Gastric Banding Surgery In Europe cost of gastric band Is The Support Group Helping Unwanted Weight Loss Efforts?Do your buddies and support of loved ones you inside your new weight reduction and healthy way of life decisions? A powerful support group could possibly be the distinction between failure and success within the weight reduction game! From my very own personal expertise, my support group makes a big difference, particularly when I needed to stop!See all tales about this subject
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Case Study – Protein, Good Nutrition and Uterine Fibroid Treatment
About 80% of all women in the US have benign tumors, called fibroids, which grow on the uterine wall. Only about 25% of women with fibroids ever notice them, because they are not large enough, but, fibroids are the main reason for hysterectomies in the United States. Fibroids can cause heavy menstrual bleeding and cramping, pain or pressure in the pelvis, complications during pregnancy and painful intercourse. There are not many risk factors to look for, with the exception of a family history of fibroid tumors.
Treatment of Fibroid Tumors
Other than having a hysterectomy, there are alternatives when it comes to treating fibroid tumors. Many physicians recommend birth control pills. These will not actually affect or change the tumor, but they will ease some of the symptoms, including excessive bleeding. Women who wish to get pregnant can undergo surgery to remove the fibroid tumor, but there is always the risk of the tumor returning in the future. There is also a new treatment which involves a specialized ultrasound, which takes about three hours to complete.
Maintaining good health is necessary in the treatment of fibroid tumors, and this includes exercise, quitting smoking (or not starting in the first place), maintain a healthy weight, and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. One important macro-nutrient that is necessary for survival, and ideal for treatment of fibroid tumors, is protein. Protein is made up of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon.
Dietary Treatment For Fibroid Tumor Patients
It is essential for everyone, not just patients with fibroid tumors, to eat a well-balanced diet that has all of the essential macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. About 50% of a healthy diet should come from carbohydrates, with 30% coming from protein and the other 30% coming from fats. The American Heart Association recommends that no protein be taken in than this amount for optimal results.
Include These Foods In Diets For Fibroid Tumor Treatment
Patients with fibroid tumors are often recommended to add soy products to their diets, because soy is a complete protein, containing all 22 of the essential and non-essential amino acids. Fiber is also recommended, as it is one of the best ways to help the liver process and eliminate excess estrogen. Some of the best sources of dietary fiber include: whole grains, all beans, tofu and miso. There are also many protein supplements made from soy that are great additions to any diet. Other foods that are healthy sources of protein, and good for patients with fibroid tumors, are cold water fishes, including salmon. Otherwise, vegetable proteins, and protein supplements, are the way to go, at least at first. After a few months, patients can begin adding hormone-free animal proteins to their diets.
Avoid These Foods
Because fibroids are fed by estrogen, patients should definitely avoid any foods that have synthetic estrogens, such as red meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. Because these are also dietary sources of protein, patients must find other alternatives to get the protein they need in their diets.
Using Protein Supplements
Protein supplements are a great way to do get the right amount of protein in one’s diet. Protein supplements that are very popular include:
Protein powders – These are one of the most versatile types of protein supplements available. Not only can you add flavorless protein powders to just about all of your favorite recipes, there are also delicious flavored powders that can be used to make great-tasting shakes, smoothies and slushies. Protein powders come in a number of flavors, including berry, fruit punch, chocolate and vanilla.
Protein shots – This is a great way to get a whole lot of protein in one small drink. These shots are less than three ounces each, and provide 25-30 grams of protein in each low-calorie serving. Protein shots are available in such delicious flavors as green apple, raspberry, lime and grape.
Liquid protein supplements – These are available in a number of ready-to-drink shakes and smoothies, such as chocolate and vanilla, and there are also flavorless liquid protein supplements as well, which can be added to many recipes. Because many of these supplements are made from milk-based proteins, people who have milk allergies or lactose intolerances should read the ingredients carefully to make sure these ingredients are not included in a particular supplement.
Marie, A Patient With Fibroid Tumors, Adds Protein To Her Diet
When Marie was diagnosed with fibroid tumors that were not large enough to bother with surgery, she asked her doctor how to treat them. Her doctor initially recommended birth control, as Marie reported heavier-than-normal menstrual bleeding and cramping, and told her that the pill would ease some of her symptoms. Marie’s doctor also recommended that she make some drastic changes to her diet, including eliminating red meat and other animal sources of protein.
Marie, who has some understanding of nutrition, asked her doctor how she was to get the protein she needed in her diet without eating these foods, and was told that in addition to a number of healthy, delicious vegetable proteins, such as soy (a complete protein with all eight essential amino acids and all 14 non-essential amino acids). Marie’s doctor also recommended that she add protein supplements to her diet. Marie’s doctor told her that a liquid protein supplement was terrific for just about any diet, because it not only contains 25 grams of protein per 2.9 fluid ounce serving, it contains no fat and carbohydrates, and is only 100 calories per serving.
Marie followed her doctor’s recommendations, and soon found that her symptoms were not as severe as they once were, and the need for any surgery had been eliminated. Because she was so happy with her new diet and how good it made her feel, Marie continues to use protein supplements each and every day, for health and energy.