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Monthly Archives: February 2017
Curing Obesity With Cornsilk
Taking into Considering the rate and number of high income earners battling with Obesity and Overweight, one will accept the reason why health coaches and doctors are asking for thousands of dollars from there patients suffering from the disease. Not until when I visited my grandma and was amazed by her accelerated level of shedding up to 15 Kilos in just fortnight without paying a cent to a health coach neither receiving a bill for a monthly pills I also thought the great bills been level on people are right.
Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Once considered a problem only in high income countries, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings.
I received a call from my grandma barely 2 weeks after her visit to attend my birthday. She invited me for a special dinner which was a mothers day. I was so eager to join the rest of my siblings again and therefore took a day off my work and left the second day with my girlfriend to spend a night with her. I got there in the afternoon and was so amazed with the young looking damsel that opened the door to welcome us when i pressed the bell. Unbelievable, My Grandma has lost up to 15KG in less than 3 weeks we departed. I was expecting her to bring out some boxes of pills when i asked for the secret behind her fast weight loss. Cornsilk? impossible was my response when she told me. My grandma smile, sat me down and explained to me how she use Cornsilk, Honey and Lemon to cut 15Killo of fats in Just 2 weeks. I found it very difficult to believe her until i made some deep research about the usefulness Cornsilk and got convinced.
Cornsilk, botanically known as Zea Mays is an herbal remedy made from stigmas, the yellowish thread-like strands found inside the husks of corn. The stigmas are found on the female flower of corn, a grain that is also known as maize and is a member of the grass family (Gramineae or Poaceae). According to My grandma, She dries the Cornsilks and store them at home, in place of morning coffee, she always take Cornsilk added with lemon and pure honey. To make this work faster according to her, ‘I Stop taking cholesterol food but concentrate much on taking the Cornsilk tea”.Today, She stands young,beautiful and healthy. Losing 15KG of fats in just two weeks.
With reference to My studies, I could see that Cornsilk is also useful as a cure for heart trouble, jaundice, malaria. Cornsilk is rich in vitamin K, making it useful in controlling bleeding during childbirth In conclusion, I will advise the usage of Cornsilk for those struggling with obesity since its natural and without side effects rather than wasting money on pills which rarely show any effect.
Source by Isaac Olapade
Brodie MacPherson tells how she had three-quarters of her stomach removed and lost 66kg
Compare Cheapest Cost Bariatric Surgery Abroad price of gastric band surgery united kingdom Brodie MacPherson informs how she’d three-quarters of her stomach removed and lost 66kgWhen individuals on social networking congratulated her on her behalf weight reduction, she authored … has lost a great total of 66kg thanks partly to gastric sleeve surgery.See all tales about this subject
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The Truth on Weight Loss with Spicy Food
Everybody seems to have their own ideas on how to lose weight. Atkins and Banting suggested low-carbohydrate diet plans, the South Beach does away with bad carbohydrates and fats, and the Beverly Hills diet wants weight watchers to go with an all-fruit meal. Then there are some people who think that eating spicy foods will help them lose weight faster than you can say overweight.
Spicy foods have always figured in various native delicacies in different cultures. Black pepper, for example, is an antioxidant and it also has antibacterial effects. Cayenne pepper is touted to boost the immune system and clear congestion. Eating spicy food also increases the endurance of athletes and also helps in treating osteoarthritis.
Interestingly, among the many benefits of eating spicy food came the idea that it can actually aid in weight loss.
Weight loss with spicy dood: Fact or myth?
There is an ongoing debate on whether or not one can achieve weight loss with spicy food. The idea is that spicy foods increase your body’s metabolic rate which makes you digest your food faster. Basically, spices improve digestion by increasing the hydrochloric secretion in the stomach. This is what increases your metabolic rate. With increased metabolism comes increased absorption rate. When there is increased absorption, then the body is able to utilize the stuff that you ate for your daily activities so almost nothing really stays put. Ergo, you lose weight.
Some experts believe that while it’s true that spicy food can increase the body’s metabolism, the increase is not really as substantial as we would like to think. The increased digestive rate after eating spicy food isn’t so high as to affect weight loss. Still, there are some other people who look at it from a different standpoint.
Spicy food makes us eat less
There are only a few of us who have a high tolerance for spicy food. Logically, when a meal is spiked with pepper, we have a tendency to eat less. Cayenne pepper, for example, has capsaicin, which among others has shown to help the body burn fats and reduce the appetite. According to some scientists, cayenne increases the level of epinephrine and norepinephrine in the body which causes us to feel less hungry. Spices enhance the flavor of any food which provides the a satisfied sensation to the palate. Eating spicy food makes us eat less which explains why people connect weight loss with spicy food. As thermogenic herbs, spices helps the body burn more calories in food especially when eating a meal high in fat. This is by increasing blood circulation and the body’s temperature. In this regard, spices are also capable of stimulating the break down of fat cells thus aiding in weight loss.
So in a sense, weight loss with spicy food sounds logical enough to be true.
With this explanation in hand, more and more people strongly believe that eating spicy food can aid weight loss. Unfortunately, eating spicy foods is not without a negative consequence. Eating spicy food can also cause stomach ulcers. Spices can also cause GERD or acid reflux. Moderation is really the key. Don’t overeat on spicy foods especially if you have a sensitive stomach. Acid reflux usually happens to obese people so if you’re trying weight loss with spicy food, you may want to think this over. Maybe you can go on the spicy food diet as a sort of supplement to another weight loss plan instead of using it as your basic means of burning calories.
Aside from acid reflux, spices can also irritate your digestive tract and mess up digestion. Too much spicy food can also wreak havoc on your sense of taste. Over time, you won’t be able to enjoy food in its natural state.
If you’re still hell-bent on going on the idea of weight loss with spicy food, you may want to keep a few tips in mind before going on a curry overload.
Try to test your tolerance for spicy food in small amounts first. Make sure to put in just small amounts of it in your meals. As you go along, feel free to increase the servings according to your taste. Remember not to eat too much of it though because as it was mentioned, spicy food in large amounts isn’t good for your stomach.
Source by Phillip England
HEALTH MATTERS: Bariatric Surgery: Weighing the Options
HEALTH MATTERS: Bariatric Surgery: Weighing the Options
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Epilepsy and Nutritional Guidelines
Epilepsy is a fairly common condition that can cause repeated or prolonged seizures. These seizures can cause a number of different sensations, depending on the type of seizure that is involved and the severity of the epilepsy. It is important to note that not everyone who has a seizure has epilepsy and that not all seizures will be repeated. Because of some negativity surrounding the term epilepsy, some doctors now prefer to use the more neutral term seizure disorder.
There are two main categories of seizures: partial or generalized. In a partial seizure, there is a focus and only a small part of the brain is affected, while in a general seizure, more of the brain is involved. A simple partial seizure may cause a change in consciousness but not a loss of consciousness. Complex partial seizures typically involve unconsciousness.
The most serious and severe type of seizure is the grand mal seizure, a generalized seizure that involves the motor systems in the brain and involves convulsions. The grand mal seizure is marked by a tonic phase (forceful contractions of the muscles) and a clonic phase (slow, jerking movements). In addition, there are less severe types of seizures, including the petit mal seizure, which is also called the absence seizure and may be dismissed simply as daydreaming unless the actual diagnosis is made.
Epilepsy may be related to another problem, including a head injury, a brain tumor, a brain infection or a stroke. However, less than half of the people who have been diagnosed with epilepsy or seizure disorder even know why they have it at all. It is important that the disorder be recognized and diagnosed so that treatment can be started – without proper care, the seizures will become progressively more frequent and may become more severe. The doctor will typically rule out other disorders and diseases before diagnosing epilepsy because in its mild or early stages it can mimic other disorders.
The Symptoms of Epilepsy:
– You may notice strange smells or sounds. You may also have double vision.
– You may lose control of your muscles
– You may fall, twitch or jerk.
– You may stare-off into space and be unaware of it.
– You may faint.
In most cases, epilepsy is treated with medication that is meant to reduce or control the seizures. Some of the medications can cause other side effects, so the doctor must experiment with different types and different dosages so that the right control with the fewest side effects can be found. There are other treatment options for seizure disorders, including a special diet, surgery which is meant to remove the damaged tissue in the brain and the implantation of a device which is called a vagus nerve stimulator. This sends signals in the neck to help control the seizures.
The Special Diet
The diet suggested by doctors is called the ketogenic diet, which is high in fat and low in carbohydrates. In a ketogenic diet, the body does not burn carbohydrates for energy like it normally would, but burns fats instead. When the body burns these fats, it produces a carbon substance that is called ketones. In a seizure disorder, the ketones are thought to help suppress seizure activity. (Around 30% of the children who were put on the ketogenic diet have complete seizure control, while another 40% have enough control to continue with the diet).
The ketogenic diet is typically prescribed for a period of around two years and then carbs and other nutrients are gradually added back in. During the time spent on the diet, vitamins and minerals will have to be supplemented because the diet is deficient in a number of these nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin C. The diet has been criticized by a number of health groups because of the high fat content, however, there have not been any problems noted with heart disease or growth retardation for the children. Because childhood obesity is a major concern and there are so many children who have diabetes and other weight-related conditions, the possible benefits of the ketogenic diet must be weighed against its risks.
Other Dietary Considerations
Children and adults who have seizure disorders must try to avoid the artificial sugar called aspartame if it increases seizure activity. Aspartame does cause seizures in people with a metabolic disorder called phenylketonuria. This disorder does not allow the amino acid phenylalanine to be digested and used properly. (Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid which must be supplied by food and supplement sources. It is converted in the body to the non-essential amino acid tyrosine).
People with seizure disorders may also have some food sensitivities and food allergies that they should be aware of. In some cases, these foods may even trigger the seizure activity in the first place. Common foods that can trigger these reactions include dairy foods, including cheese, citrus fruits, wheat and food additives like tartrazine and benzoic acid. The level of food sensitivities can vary from person to person and the person can be eating these foods every day without knowing that they are sensitive to them. It is important to find out if there are food allergies that can trigger or have triggered seizure activity.
Protein supplements may be suggested in the ketogenic diet, however, supplements should only be started at the advice of a doctor. It is important to find the right supplement, especially if there are food sensitivities or other issues as well. Whey protein, for instance, may be difficult to digest if there is any problem with lactose intolerance. Soy or rice protein may be better suggestions in this case; rice protein is considered to be hypoallergenic and may be the best solution. Egg protein may be acceptable as a supplement as well. Protein bars may be suggested, however, the ingredients should be read carefully so that they do not contain any of those that might be considered to be problematic for the person with seizure disorders.
Doctors also suggest supplementing vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that fights the damages of free radicals that may increase seizure activity by interfering with normal brain cell activity. Selenium is a mineral that is also beneficial in controlling seizures. Good food sources of selenium include mushrooms, broccoli, cabbage, fish, garlic, onions and whole grains. If lactose is not a problem, whey protein helps by supplying the enzyme glutathione, which is an antioxidant that is important for the immune system. Folic acid should be included because some of the medications that are used to treat seizures may deplete many of the B complex vitamins. Folic acid is the supplemental form of the naturally occurring folate.
'My 600-lb Life' Chad Dean weight loss drives skin removal surgery GoFundMe
Compare Best Cost Wls in France Gastric Band Surgery 'My 600-lb Existence' Chad Dean weight reduction drives skin removal surgery GoFundMeFormer 700-lb Chad Dean's 370-lb weight reduction after gastric bypass qualifies for skin removal surgery, crowdfunds for $5K toward weight problems treatment.See all tales about this subject
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Losing Your Hair? Check Out the Major Causes of Hair Loss and Available Treatments
Why is my hair falling out? This was the question I kept asking myself when I noticed more and more hair in my brush and on the bathroom floor every day. I knew it was normal for everyone to shed some hair on a regular basis, but as time went by, I could no longer ignore my disappearing tresses. Even my hairdresser started commenting on how thin my hair was getting and how hard it was to style now.
Teasing only made things worse and soon, I had to resort to wearing a hair piece to cover the bare scalp areas that were now clearly visible. When my eyelashes and eyebrow hair fell out as well, I knew this was serious business…and I was only 68 years old. I decided to do some research and see if I could find some answers to the hair loss I was experiencing.
First, as so many of us do these days, I went to the Internet and looked up hair loss. I found that there could be several common medical explanations for this problem:
- Hormonal problems such as an imbalance of androgens and estrogens
- Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, discontinuation of birth control pills, the onset of menopause
- Some medications, including blood thinners and antidepressants
- Diet deficiencies and poor nutrition
- Physiological stress such as a high fever or prolonged illness, sudden or excessive weight loss, surgery, or metabolic disturbances
- Male pattern baldness in men
None of these conditions applied to me and did not explain the continued thinning of what was once, my thick head of hair. However, in researching further, I read with alarm that hair loss (alopecia) may occur as part of a serious underlying disease such as diabetes, lupus or hypothyroidism. I decided that the sensible thing to do was to seek professional medical attention. I consulted several physicians including a dermatologist, a neurologist and an endocrinologist, who ordered many tests to make sure I did not have any of these diseases. Although I was quite delighted that all these tests were negative, I was still left with the same question, why is my hair still falling out?
I became sick and tired of having a hair piece pinned into my hairdo every time I went to the hair salon. The pins gave me a head-ache and what’s worse, my social life suffered for I couldn’t take the chance that my hair would be touched.
Losing my hair had caused me a nightmare of embarrassment, loss of self-esteem, fear of intimacy and exposure and great expense. If I could not find a way to reverse my hair loss, I would soon need a full wig. I could not face a future like this. In desperation, I even tried the colored powder that’s sprinkled on the scalp to fill in the bare spots. This was messy, temporary, and didn’t fool anyone.
While I felt somewhat better that I had ruled out all the serious causes of hair loss, I decided that I had to find some way to stop my hair from falling out and I was determined to re-grow the full, healthy head of hair I had always been so proud of.
I decided to look into the other hair loss solutions on the market and started with the “grow hair” lotions, shampoos, hair vitamin pills, selenium supplements, etc., products they advertised in mail order catalogues. These were a total waste of time and money.
I knew there was available the more drastic option of hair transplant surgery but I decided that this was not a possible solution for me. I dismissed it for I didn’t want to suffer through the numerous, painful surgical sessions that were necessary and besides, I couldn’t afford the extravagant cost involved.
I moved on to the medicinal products. You’re probably aware of the expensive brand name products that are advertised so much. These included dandruff shampoos, scalp treatments and the most famous products whose ingredients are fairly similar, with one half of the liquid consisting of propylene glycol, one third was alcohol (both inactive ingredients), and the same 5% minoxidil. These topical solution products were not for me because you have to apply them to the scalp twice a day, and can’t miss a treatment. Some you roll on and some you rub in but no matter how you apply them, they spoil your hairdo and make your hair feel nasty. Some even come with their own disgusting smell.
I’m glad that I did my research and followed the sensible course of action. If you are suffering from hair loss, make sure you check the list of common medical causes with your doctor and have all the serious diseases that may be responsible, ruled out.
To this day, I do not have a definitive answer to the question of why my hair was falling out. However, after months of searching and trials of all kinds of hair growing products, I finally found my hair loss solution and a way to re-grow my hair with effective and affordable Legitime Scalp Air Tonic!
Source by Rosalind Alcana
Lap band surgery for 'severely obese' teens
Lap band surgery for 'severely obese' teens
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How Do Thermogenic Enhancers Work to Get Rid of Fat?
For centuries people have been concerned about being overweight. Today we just have to watch TV for a short while and we will be able to see the number of different exercise and weight loss programs that show on TV promoting weight loss and physical fitness.
You may ask why the significant increase in the numbers of these TV program, especially in America? With the rapid increase in the numbers of people becoming overweight or obese the American population has become or is becoming the most obese populated nation in the world, so it is only natural that its citizens are looking for ways and means to become health once again.
Entrepreneurs see this growing demand as a great opportunity to make money and have created a number of weight loss programs and exercise machine to meet the demand and to promote better health, some work well and others don’t. But, lets under that the ultimate objective of any entrepreneur is to make a profit. That is why it essential that we choose our approach to solving the problem of overweight wisely.
The use of a natural thermogenic enhancer is just one solutions and probably one of the best ways to solve your over weight problems.
What is a Thermogenic Enhancer or Thermogenic Fat Burner?
All dietary products that help you to eliminate excess body fat are recognized as fat burners. Fat burners increase the body’s metabolism. When you increase your metabolism, you also increase your body temperature. This increase in temperature requires fuel to sustain it, and your excess body fat is the fuel that it uses. Fat burning release the excess body fat in the body, so that it may be used as fuel.
Why choose one Thermogenic Enhancer over Another?
There are numerous types of thermogenic fat burners available, all working to boost the metabolism. Some of them use large concentration of caffeine, the excess use of it, may come with unwanted side effects, such as, anxiety, jittery nervousness and the inability to sleep well. Others use natural herbal ingredients to increase your metabolic rate. They do not have the unwanted side effects that are associated with caffeine based fat burners.
Benefits of Thermogenic Enhancers:
- Effective in losing weight.
- It stimulates the metabolism rate without the use of addict drugs such as caffeine.
- It is 100% natural and safe for human consumption.
- All of its ingredients have been meticulously select based on the research
- It reduces your appetite for sugar.
- It helps to stabilized and to control your appetite
- It inhibits lipid and cholesterol synthesizing.
- No harmful side effects, if used as suggested on the packaging.
Remember Thermogenic Enhancers are Fat Burners!