RYGB may increase risk for fracture in adults
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Monthly Archives: March 2017
Gain Weight Healthy – 5 Weight Gain Tips
I don’t mean that all thin people are not fit and strong. The exception from a rule applies here too. But most of us fall in “rules”. Gain weight and see people admiring your new found curves and glowing skin. Since the skin stretches with additional pounds it looks healthier and glows.
It is well known fact that being obese increases the risk of chronic diseases, being too skinny also can be a cause of heart failure and cancer. Elderly people being under weight can result them to be frail, and suffer from osteoporosis and prone to hip fractures. An underweight man can also increase chance of erectile dysfunction.
Putting on weight is not about stuffing yourself with junk food or anything which will harm your health than helping. Go through these tips to gain weight naturally and follow whatever is applicable to you.
Weight gain Tip 1: Make sure you are not losing weight!
Yes while you are doing all that you can to gain weight, it is more important to make sure that you are not losing those hard earned pounds without your knowledge. So get on that scale regularly and keep track that you are maintaining the current weight at least.
Don’t stuff yourself with too much of quantity in 3 meals a day to gain weight. Instead break it into 6 meals with regular intervals. Your goal should be to eat every 3 hrs and you are on right track to gain weight.
Weight gain Tip 2: Calories and calories
If you feel though you are eating enough still not gaining weight, then you have to check your definition of enough. Calculate your current calories intake and increase it by additional 300-500 calories per day and that should be your calories intake to increase your weight. With that you should be gaining 0.5 to 1 pound a week. If your weight gain is less than that, increase it by additional 300 calories per day and watch. Also it is very important to make sure you are not gaining too much too fast. Yup! Slow and study wins the race. So if you are gaining weight more than 1 pound per week, reduce your calories by 300 and get the right balance.
weight gain Tip 3: Weight training
OK now all that weight you are gaining will remain as fat which needs to be converted into muscle. So don’t start right away lifting heavy weights and pushing yourself to do ridiculous numbers of bench press, chin ups etc. Remember our mantra “slow and steady”. Start with running, stretching and light weight lifting and gradually increase on regular intervals.
When you are well into this step, your weight gain will be 1-2 pounds a week.
Weight gain Tip 4: Drink enough water
Yes I mean water not something you are expecting! One needs to drink half a gallon of water every day. If you can drink more than that still better. You don’t wish to be a victim of dehydration which may lead to many other health problems. And of course you want to increase your stamina and fitness right? Right, it is water therapy for you then.
Rest and Relax, give your body a break to enjoy this new attention that you are paying. Get good sleep and relax with music or friends. Be in the company of people who encourage you and appreciate your efforts. This is most neglected yet important tip.
Avoid trans fat at all cost and say yes to good fats. Though you want to gain weight, definitely you don’t want to gain weight which is just fat. Avoid too much of cakes and chips. Fried items and no more visits to fast food joints. Cut down on your daily intake of coffee and tea, if possible switch to green tea with more antioxidant, milk with protein powder.
Gaining healthy weight is as easy or difficult as losing weight depending on the individual and body type. But the fact to remember is it is possible. Don’t obsess over doing things right and pushing yourself to limits to gain weight. It is your body and you should love and accept it first and convince yourself that you are going to gain weight to make yourself feel better than to impress others. The key is to be consistent and be patient.
For Your Health for February 6
For Your Health for February 6
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Benefits of Yacon Syrup Include the Prevention of Cancer
The yacon plant can be found in the Andes region in southern America. The Yacon syrup which is sold by nutritional supplement companies is made from the root of this rare plant. The root looks similar to a sweet potato, but is brimming with health benefits, including cancer fighting properties.
Tests have revealed the prevention of cancer by Yacon syrup. Basically taking the supplement daily can helps prevent the reproduction and growth of cancer cells. Studies also revealed that it causes premature death in the cancer cells. That being said, this is not a cure and should not be seen as one.
The supplement has shown to improve results in patients suffering with blood, colon and skin cancers, though this is not the only benefit this supplement offers those who choose to take it.
Before you log online and buy Yacon syrup, it’s important to be aware that not everyone can take this supplement. Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding and have digestive problems should not take this product.
Those who are lucky enough to take it can enjoy a list of health benefits from regulating blood sugar to lowering bad cholesterol and improving dental health to improving metabolism and so much more.
Yacon syrup is made very similar to how maple syrup is made and once completed it has a beautiful rich and thick texture, similar to molasses. It is exceptionally sweet, though doesn’t contain any glucose or calories, which is why it’s become such a valued weight loss supplement.
The product reduces appetite, helping people trying to lose weight reach their weight loss goals. When combined with a healthy and well-balanced diet, this supplement can help anyone achieve their goals. The product is taken thirty to sixty minutes before each meal, reducing appetite and ensuring the person doesn’t overeat.
The supplement can also be used in tea and coffee to sweeten, but should not be used for cooking as it loses all its goodness at higher temperatures.
Cancer patients around the world have been using Yacon syrup to help keep their cancer from spreading. Because the product is completely natural, it’s safe to take with a lowered immune system. While it will not cure cancer, it can reduce the growth and reproduction of the cells, stopping the cancer from spreading. This is exceptionally useful for those who are about to undergo surgery to have a cancerous growth removed, for example.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are thinking of using this supplement to keep your cancer under control until you have your surgery or treatment, ensure you speak to your medical team first, checking it is safe to do so. Most medical teams will welcome the supplement because it’s natural and safe.
It’s very important when you first start taking the supplement that you start with a low daily allowance of no more than five teaspoons a day. Any more than that can cause increase of gas, nausea and diarrhea. Once your body is accustomed to taking the supplement, you can slowly increase your daily allowance.
Yacon syrup is available as a thick and rich syrup or as capsules, depending how you wish to use the product, will determine which is the best choice for you.
When ordering the product online, ensure you read the label with care to ensure you have receive an all-natural product from a reliable and reputable supplier. There are so many “fly by night” companies trying to sell their products online and they may water down the mixture to try and make more money, so be aware and choose your supplier with care.
Source by Simon Field
Abdominal Obesity: The Weight You Put on Depends on Your Body Type!
Many people gain weight around the belly. and for most of us it is quite embarrassing. This takes away the charm of wearing clothes. This Abdominal fat is very hard to get rid of.Different people have different fat storage areas. Most men store fat around the abdomen. This fat is stored in the fat cells. The number of fat cells remain fixed . However as we store more fat these cells grow more bigger. The fat cells are stored between the skin and the muscles and also in deeper tissues called the visceral fat which surrounds the vital body organs. The way in which the person puts on weight depends upon the body type of a particular person.
There are three different body types:
1. The ectomorphs – Those who are slim with slender muscles. They put on weight around their belly without corresponding increase in the arms or legs.
2. The mesomorphs – Those who put on weight around the belly plus arms and legs but usually not on the face.
3. The endomorphs – Those who put weight not only on the abdomen, but also around the hips and thighs. Women after their menopause also put on weight around the abdomen.
Must Read: 10 Tips to lose weight from hips and thighs at http://www.weightloss-health.com/slim_thighs_hips.htm
There is also a connection between mind and the body. This mind body connection also determines the way in which a person puts on weight. People who are chronically stressed produce large amounts of body steroid called cortisol. It affects the fat distribution by causing fat to be deposited in the abdominal and visceral areas.
Abdominal obesity also leads to various diseases. To name a few, there are cardiovascular disorders, high cholesterol, diabetes and polycystic ovary.
Most people have the misconception that one can lose spot fat by spot exercises! The truth is that the body has a complicated system of fat deposition and fat removal, so exercising a particular body area results in toning that area, which may initially look like some sort of inch loss due to tightening of muscle tissue! But to burn fat on the abdomen, one should follow a combination of a fat loss diet along with cardiovascular training and muscle conditioning and de-stressing exercises.
Must Read: Obesity being termed as No.1 killer in U.S. Know more about it at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Obesity.htm
Random Tip: Weight loss helps in erectile dysfunction and hence enhances your sex life as per a recent research. So you have one more reason to lose weight.
Pure Garcinia is Safe for Weight Loss
Compare Best Cost Bariatric Surgery Abroad gastric band prices Pure Garcinia is protected to lose weightPure garcinia is among the best methods in managing diabetes, cholesterol and weight reduction. People also searching to shed weight or control ailments like diabetes, cholesterol should purchase pure garcinia pills. Its helps you to increase metabolic process rates.See all tales about this subject
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Cut Throat Medicine: A New Theory on Why You Have Tonsils and What Happens If You Lose Them
Why do we have tonsils? Is there a particular function they serve?
Despite high tech medicine, there are still some basic questions about how the human body works that stump the medical profession. And the function of the tonsils is one of them.
When I was in medical school, almost nothing was mentioned about the tonsils. Textbooks devote only a paragraph or two to these organs. So doctors know more about how to remove them than what they do in your body.
Despite not knowing what they do or why our bodies have them, US doctors perform about 650,000 tonsillectomies each year. At around $10,000 per surgery, this means that removing tonsils generates close to $6.5 billion annually. And that’s for only one surgical procedure.
Removing the tonsils was at one time the fashion, and was supposed to relieve throat infections, although evidence suggests that there is not a significant enough decrease in throat infections following tonsillectomy to justify widespread use of this procedure. Now, the primary reason for tonsillectomies in children is for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders thought to be caused by enlarged tonsils obstructing the throat and airway.
What do doctors know about the function of the tonsils?
Medicine contends that the tonsils are part of the lymphatic system which helps to fight infections, since the tonsils contain lymphoid tissue that produced white blood cells and antibodies. However, tonsils are not lymph nodes. Lymph nodes have sinuses through which lymph fluid filters. Nothing like that happens with tonsils.
The tonsils are walnut sized glands composed of lymphoid tissue that surrounds several deep crypts, or folds. Lymph does not filter through the tonsils, but saliva filled with bacteria and food does contact the tonsil crypts. Bacteria are known to reside within these folds. As we swallow, food and saliva wash past these folds sending samples of the bacteria in them down our throats.
Medicine claims it has no idea what tonsils are really supposed to be doing in the body, apart from some vague immunity function. Textbooks say the tonsils are the first line of defense against infection, although any pathogen in the tonsils is already in your intestines and/or lungs, so it is hard to understand how this is a first line of defense. The tonsils are also said to trap pathogens in the mouth, although there is no mechanism to describe how tonsils can do this since they are not a filter, as are lymph nodes. In fact, tonsils are accused of spreading bacteria, not trapping it. Research also shows that removal of the tonsils does not seem to increase susceptibility to infection. So the role of tonsils in immunity is unclear.
Strange, isn’t it, that medicine can map the human genome, but they can’t tell you what the tonsils are for.
Tonsils and Bacteria
I would like to propose a new theory on the function of the tonsils and why we have them. But to understand their purpose in the body, you need to understand bacteria.
Most people realize that we live in a bacterial world. Our skin and mucous membranes are covered with colonies of bacteria. Our intestines are filled with bacteria. Each of us may have over 500 species of bacteria living on and in us.
Some of these bacteria can cause disease when the body is weakened. Other bacteria are helpful, aiding in digestion and fighting off bad bacteria. The emerging field of probiotics recognizes the importance of bacteria to health, and tries to supply needed bacteria to the human body. Lactobacillus acidophilus in yogurt is one example of a beneficial bacteria used to aid digestion.
The study of the interaction between bacteria and their human hosts is a relatively new field, so many links are just being discovered. Studies have already shown that intestinal bacteria can cause weight gain, or weight loss. Bacteria are needed for the production of certain B-vitamins and Vitamin K.
The discovery of the role of the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the formation of stomach ulcers and cancer led to antibiotic therapy for these conditions. Now, however, scientists are warning that this bacterium is also beneficial. Maladies such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett’s esophagus (an ulcerlike disease in the esophagus), and cancers of the lower esophagus and gastric cardia (upper stomach) have been dramatically and progressively increasing since doctors have been eradicating this bacterium with antibiotics.
H. pylori has also been shown to control the levels of the human hunger-causing hormone ghrelin, produced by the stomach lining. Ghrelin increases appetite for high calorie foods. As a result of antibiotic therapy to kill H. pylori, levels of ghrelin become elevated, increasing hunger and food intake, and resulting in obesity.
It’s clear that some bacteria are an important part of our bodies and physiology. We have lived with them since the first humans. And we rely on them for health.
Bacteria and Digestion
One important benefit of bacteria to our health is the service they provide for digestion. Bacteria help us digest things we could not easily digest by ourselves.
Take the case of cows, goats, horses, and other grazing animals. These vegetarians cannot digest the cellulose in the grasses they eat without the help of bacteria. The bacteria breakdown the cellulose into sugar, which the animal can absorb. Without these bacteria, these animals would starve on their vegetarian diets.
So important are these digestive bacteria that these animals have special organs for incubating their bacteria and fermenting their food. Cows, goats, and sheep have a rumen, essentially a large fermentation sac that holds the eaten greens and bacteria. Horses ferment their grass diet in a sac called the ceacum, which is located between the small and large intestine.
Essentially, bacteria are part of these animals. They have special digestive organs that specifically rely on bacteria for digestion. You cannot understand the function of the rumen or ceacum of these animals without understanding the role of bacteria in their process of digestion.
In humans, bacteria also help the digestion of our food. While we make our own digestive enzymes for breaking down starch, proteins, and fats, bacteria in our intestines do their own digestion of our food, adding their digestive products to what we produce. We end up absorbing the products of bacterial digestion as well as the products of our own.
Given the high population of bacteria in our intestines, our bodies have lined the intestines with lymphoid tissue that is part of the immune system. This tissue produces white blood cells which in turn produce various substances, such as antibodies, that control and cultivate our bacteria to keep them from getting out of control.
Essentially, our bodies are part bacteria. We have organs that rely on bacteria, and an immune system with the ability to use and manage bacterial populations.
How do bacteria get into the human digestive system?
One way bacteria get into the human digestive system is with the food itself. Fermented foods, such as yogurt or sauerkraut, have their own bacterial ingredients, and these help in the digestion of these foods. Raw foods in general have more bacterial content, and the enzymes provided by these bacteria aid digestion, which is a main reason why some people are raw foodists. Most people, however, cook their food, killing potentially bad bacteria but also killing beneficial bacteria and their helpful enzymes.
The greatest source of bacteria for our intestines is the mouth. Our mouths are filled with bacteria. Each time we swallow or eat food, oral bacteria are washed down into the stomach. While the stomach has an acidic environment that kills some bacteria, many get through the stomach and into the intestines.
Mouth bacteria are everywhere – around the gums, on the tongue, and in the tonsils.
“Stones” or “kernels”?
Many people have “stones” in their tonsil crypts, also called tonsilloliths. These whitish plugs are sometimes a cause of annoyance and they can be expressed from the tonsils by gently pressing. The “stone” is composed of bacteria, calcium, and cell debris, and is reminiscent of kefir kernels which are used to develop bacterial cultures. Perhaps these tonsil stones are also for developing bacterial cultures.
Of course, the tonsils are exposed to food as well as bacteria. These get caught up in the tonsil crypts. The crypts would allow certain bacteria to flourish in response to this food. Each time we swallow, the bacteria in these crypts essentially seeds the digestive tract.
It seems, then, that the function of the tonsils is as incubators for intestinal bacteria. The crypts are there to create an environment where our food meets our bacteria. Lymphoid tissue surrounding the crypts help cultivate the correct bacterial balance for our diet.
The tonsils, then, seem to be digestive organs. Their function is to manage the microflora of our digestive system.
If you eat lots of dairy products, for example, the milk in your throat coats the tonsils and lets milk-eating bacteria flourish there. These bacteria can then inoculate your intestines to aid in digestion.
Of course, this may be only one of several other functions of the tonsils in the control of bacteria. But the fact that there are crypts or pockets in this organ which hold food and bacteria suggests that this organ is involved in bacterial homeostasis. Its location at the back of the throat and in close contact with food suggests its digestive function.
If true, then this means any change to our oral environment may impact on our tonsil bacteria. Alcohol, sugar, smoking, dehydration, and taking drugs may alter the bacterial community in the tonsils and impact on digestion. It could lead to derangement of the bacterial microecosystem within the tonsils. This may cause digestive problems such as bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, food sensitivities, and more.
If the bacteria within the tonsils gets out of hand, the tonsils swell as white blood cells are activated to manage the bacterial community. We have all experienced swollen tonsils. It is usually caused by bad bacteria taking over the tonsil crypts.
This is when medicine comes into the picture. Doctors recognize that tonsils get infected and can spread infection as you swallow, continually seeding your intestines with these bad bacteria. This can cause trouble swallowing and breathing, so the doctors often suggest tonsillectomy, about 650,000 times each year.
What happens if you remove the tonsils?
One disturbing outcome of tonsillectomy is excessive weight gain. Childhood obesity is a real problem and could be related to tonsillectomies. However, the medical community does not want to acknowledge the link, since they see no mechanism for the connection.
How would removal of the tonsils cause obesity? If you think of the tonsils as only lymphoid organs with no known function apart from some uncertain immune function, as medicine currently does, then this question is a mystery. However, when you think of the tonsils as digestive organs, it makes sense.
If the purpose of the tonsils is to help seed the digestive system with helpful bacteria that aid digestion, then loss of these bacterial enzymes means less efficient digestion. Certain deficiencies may result from the lack of bacterial enzymes, causing the tonsillectomized person to eat more to get needed nutrition. Eating a ‘normal’ quantity may not be enough to provide all the needed nutrition, although it still may provide lots of available calories. To get the nutrition needed, excess food is consumed producing excess glucose absorption and resulting fat deposits.
On the other hand, lack of certain bacteria may make calories less available, leading to weight loss.
We rely on bacteria for digestion, and on the tonsils to cultivate the right bacteria. Without tonsils the bacterial flora of the gut will be less controlled, and you might not have the correct bacteria for your digestive needs, leading to all sorts of problems.
This may also explain some food allergies. Food allergies usually result when foreign proteins are not completely digested into their component amino acids. Amino acids do not typically cause allergies, but proteins and protein fragments can be powerful antigens leading to allergies. Without the aid of bacterial digestive enzymes, there is a greater chance that these proteins will not be fully digested, increasing the chances of allergic reactions.
If removing the tonsils can lead to excessive weight gain, then what happens when you give people antibiotics? Shouldn’t antibiotics kill at least some of the bacteria within the tonsils? Shouldn’t this have a similar outcome as tonsil removal?
Actually, antibiotics also cause weight gain.
Why has the field of medicine failed to recognize this function of the tonsils?
Modern medicine has gained its power with the development of antibiotics. Bacterial diseases can kill, and antibiotics have saved lives. The prejudice against bacteria has permeated the medical and popular culture, resulting in antiseptic hand washes, mouthwashes, and an over sanitized world. You can’t expect an industry that discovered antibiotics to easily embrace bacteria as important to health. As a result, the tonsils are seen as a “first line of defense” against invading germs and nothing more. Once these bad germs get hold of the tonsils, they should be removed, they assert. It never occurred to them that the tonsils also hold good germs. To the antibiotic addicted medical model, there are no good germs.
There is a basic flaw in modern medical reasoning. Modern medicine considers some parts of the human body as unnecessary. Doctors are not trained to think that there is a reason for everything in our bodies. However, our bodies were designed by nature (or God) to work a certain way, even if we cannot currently understand that design. Crypts in tonsils collect bacteria for a purpose, even if our current science cannot fathom that purpose. Any doctor that removes the tonsils or the appendix or any other part of the body because, they assert, it has no purpose is only slightly less a fool than the person faithfully following their prescription.
This does not mean that tonsils should never be removed. There may be cases when this is necessary. But the cause of the tonsil problem needs to be addressed. Why would these bacteria-managing organs lose control over their bacteria?
The Causes of Tonsil Problems
Perhaps the greatest cause of tonsil problems is the overuse of antibiotics. We know that antibiotics can cause diarrhea as it disturbs our intestinal bacterial community. Antibiotics will also disturb our tonsil bacterial community. Eating foods with beneficial bacteria, such as yogurt, is often recommended after antibiotic use to reseed the intestines with these beneficial species. People who still have their tonsils may recolonize their tonsils with these good bacteria. Those without tonsils may need to continually reintroduce good bacteria with their food.
Another problem may be the use of alcohol, both as a beverage and as a mouthwash. Alcohol will disturb our tonsils, irritating the mucous membrane and altering the microfloral composition. Smoking may also be a problem. Nicotine has been shown to affect a broad spectrum of bacteria in the mouth, suppressing some bacterial species and stimulating others.
Realizing that the tonsils are digestive organs may open up a new field of medicine where we can clean and reseed tonsils with the proper bacterial community for our dietary and health needs.
What About the Appendix?
Of course, this raises a question about another organ that medicine says we don’t need – the appendix. This organ, like the tonsils, holds bacteria. It is at the mouth of the large intestines, or colon. Could the appendix be seeding the colon with beneficial bacteria for colonic digestion? After all, the colon is where vitamin B-12 is activated by bacteria. Could the appendix be the tonsils of the colon?
Don’t expect an answer from the medical community. There are nearly 300,000 appendectomies performed in the US each year.
Could a tonsillectomy lead to obesity?
By the time a surgeon sees an appendix or tonsil, it is usually when the organ is inflamed with disease. Perhaps in some situations the removal of these organs is appropriate and necessary.
However, before you can make that decision, you need to know what the tonsils and appendix normally do and what you might be missing without them.
Our culture is facing an epidemic of obesity. If tonsils are indeed important managers of the body’s intestinal bacterial communities, then loss of tonsils may be an important factor for creating obesity and other intestinal and colonic diseases.
Gas, indigestion, irritable bowels, food cravings, diarrhea, food allergies. The list of possible negative impacts of tonsillectomy will likely grow as knowledge of the role of bacteria in maintaining health grows.
In the meantime, if your doctor tells you to remove part of your body because he doesn’t know what it’s for, then find another doctor.
Source by Sydney Ross Singer
Gastric bypass helps severely obese teenagers maintain weight loss over long term
Gastric bypass helps severely obese teenagers maintain weight loss over long term
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7 Indisputable Pros and Cons of Body Shapers For Women
Most people have never heard of Body Shapers for Women. The concept sounds fascinating, but what are the Pros and Cons of body shapers? While some things are very difficult to detect like finding the hole in your bicycle inner tube. Then there are other things like the benefits or blames of body shapers for women; a topic that seems to be at the tip of thousands of women tongues.
Are you wondering if there is really a way to lose weight without exercising, dieting, or surgery? If there is an easier way, why don’t everybody know about it, better yet, why are people risking their health and expenses on liposuction surgery, when they can just put on the garment and call it the day?
Have you also noticed every few years a wonder product arrives on the scene? They seem to come just in time when everyone is desperate for a quick fix. They are always easy, fun, safe, quick… and do not forget your friends will envy you. Now, I have been around for a LITTLE WHILE and with every advantage their are equal or greater disadvantages. We have all been taught that there are pros and cons in every decision that we make. Although, I have never heard such outlandish claims about anything as I have about body shapers for women… still the proof is in the pudding..
We have all experienced the daunting task of weight loss or know someone that is challenged with it. Also it is pretty easy to get caught up in a magic solution. Think about it, how many people do you know who would be uninterested in a faster, easier way to lose weight? Listen up as we explain the magic or misrepresentation of body shapers for women and men. You’ll be glad to know the facts from fiction…reality from fantasy; as we give our take on the body shapers for women.
1. You will need help putting on your body shaper for the first time.Yes, and that can be a little discouraging…be ready for a fight.
2. You will need a partner to help you put on your shaper. If you do not have a spouse or roommate it may be a little challenging to get into your shaper.
3. Be sure to set aside some extra time the morning you plan to wear your body shaper.
4. Expect it to be tight around your waist. Especially if it’s the first time putting it on.
5. You may want to plan your bathroom breaks. I advise you to not wait until the last moments before going to the ladies room. The hooks can be a little difficult.
6. The full body shapers are a little pricey.
7. You will need more than one. Of course once you get use to looking slim and trim, you will want to look that way everyday. So that means you will need a few.
1. You will shrink 2-3 dress sizes in 10 minutes. Ten minutes is the amount of time it takes to get on.
2. After the initial fitting, expect it to take only 2-3 minutes to put on the shaper.
3. The body shaper gives you great back support. Once you start wearing the body shaper it will feel like someone is in back of you holding your back erect. Which feels great.
4. You will get an instant hour glass figure. With the design of the garments it will accent your curves, lift, tuck and compress your unwanted fat.
5.The first time you wear your shaper you will gain an immediate boost in your self- esteem. Your self-confidence will rise once you look in the mirror and see the fat and love handles disappear.
6. You will loss inches. You will shrink inches without trying, just from wearing your shaper for at least 4-6 hours per day.
7.The body shaper will drive you to want to do whatever you need to,( that is safe), to lose weight because of the instant results you get from wearing it. You will gain confidences and love the way you look.
There you are, some of the advantages and disadvantages of the women’s body shapers. Remember like I said earlier, with every decision that we make we should expect pro’s and con’s. Without a doubt, if you want to lose weight and look great there is a price you will have to pay. We’re sure you will agree that losing weight can be frustrating.
But that’s just part of the story, the problem with weight loss is, you don’t get to see the result fast enough. With a full body shaper you get instant results. But there’s a price you have to pay up front and in full. And that’s the sticker cost of the body shapers for women garment.
Source by Deborah Pretty
Why bariatric surgery works when diets don't
Why bariatric surgery works when diets don't
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