ExFuze Seven + is the brain child of brothers Dan and Rick Cotton. They had found out about the power of botanicals from when their father was terminally ill requiring surgery in the hospital. After numerous failed attempts to make their fathers better with conventional medicine, their father's doctor recommended something he had heard helped some other patients recover when medicine had not been as effective. They agreed to let the doctor give their father a cocktail of botanicals. To their amazement, he had recovered well enough to go through surgery. He had made an amazing recovery, the brothers believed due to the botanicals. Their father was weaned from the botanicals after a year and his health slowly started to decline again. He ever passed away two years after he had started treatment under the doctor's suggestion. The brothers were happy to have gotten two more years with their father and were amazed by the impressive health benefits of extracts and botanicals. This brave them the idea for Seven + and then ExFuze was born.
What is in Seven + that gives it such potent health benefits?
It is a combination of years of research into botanicals. It is a health supplement that contains powerful extracts from around the world that many civilizations through the years have found contain very beneficial ingredients.
What exactly is in it that makes it so powerful and beneficial?
- Acai "Amazon's Healing Fruit"
- Mangosteen "Thailand's Queen of Fruits"
- Noni "Polynesian Miracle Fruit"
- Gac "Southeast Asia's Fruit From Heaven"
- Goji "Himalayan Mountains Berry of Life"
- Seabuckthorn "Potent Golden Berry From The Mountains of China and Russia"
- Fucoidan "The South Pacific's Super Nutrient"
What are in these extracts and how do they benefit you?
Acai contains:
- 16 Antioxidants
- Near Perfect Essential Amino Acid Complex
- Highest Free Radical Killing Power of any Known Fruit
- Omega Acids
- Naturally Occuring Vitamins A-K
Acai may help with:
- Controlling Cholesterol
- Boosting Immune System
- Fighting Infections
- Mental Focus and Sleep Quality
- Enhance Digestion
- Enhance Sexual Function
- Increase Energy and Stamina
- Prevent Cancer
- Slow the Aging Process
Mangosteen contains:
- Xanthones
- Antioxidants, Nutrients and Phytonutrients
Mangosteen may help:
- Maintain intestinal health
- Aid the body's healing process and strengthen cellular walls
- Reduce Allergies
- Prevent Alzheimer's
- Support the immune function
- Support cartilage & joint function
- Reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
- Promotes Healthy Respiratory System
Noni contains:
- Abundant linoleic acid
- Powerful antioxidants
- Strong Anti-inflammatory Properties
- Beta Carotene, Calcium, Vitamins (B & C)
- Trace Minerals
Noni may help:
- Support proper digestion and helps the body absorb more nutrients at the cellular level.
- Support the body's natural healing process
Gac Contais:
- Antioxidants and Carotenoids
- 10X more Beta Carotene than carrots
- 70% more Lycopene than tomatoes
Gac may help with:
- Defend Against Vascular and Cellular Damage
- Protect Against the Effects of Aging
- Support Proper Blood Flow
- Anti-Inflammatory Concerns
- Destroy Cancel Cells
- Decrease Prostate Cancer
- Immune System
- Fight Bacteria and Viruses
Goji contains:
- Wide Array of Nutrients and Trace Minerals
- 19 Amino Acids
- More Iron than Spinach and Loaded with Beta Carotene
- World's Richest Source of Vitamin C
Goji May Help:
- Support Healthy Liver Function
- Support Eye and Heart Health
- Increase Exercise Tolerance, Stamina and Endurance
- Promote Longevity
- Support Blood Glucose Control
- Insomnia, Headaches, Weight Loss and Aids with Digestion
- Relieve Stress and Depression
- Diabetics Control Sugar
- Control High Blood Pressure
Seabuckthorn Contains:
- Flavonoids, Carotenoids, Antioxidants
- Folic Acid
- Nature's Perfect Multi-Vitamin (ACDEK)
- Omega 3, 6, 7 and 9
- 190 Bioactive Substances
Seabuckthorn May Help:
- Slow Aging
- Treat Eczema and Severe Dry Skin
- Lower Cholesterol and Tri-Glycerides
- Boost Immune System
- Inflammation (Pain Reliever), Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration, Anti-Aging
- Combat Stress
- Lower Cortisol Secret
Fucoidon contains:
- Omegas
- Powerful Antioxidant Compounds
- Many Glyconutrients
- Nurtition Closely Resembles Human Breast Milk
- Antiviral Properties
- Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Fucoidan May help:
- Destroy Cancer Cells and Block Tumor Cells From Spreading
- Favor Aortic and Cardiovascular Health
- Protect the Heart and Decrease Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
- Protect Digestive Tract Lining (Heartburn / Acid Reflux)
- Diabetes Control and Maintain Optimal Kidney Function
- Enhance Immune Function and Detoxify the Body
- Maintain Healthy Blood Flow and Support Proper Joint Functions
- Support Circulator System
* FDA disclaimer * The statements and products shown on this presentation have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
How is Exfuze Seven + Different than the rest?
There are so many called "Super Juices" on the market right now that contain one or two of these powerful botanicals in them. The down side of these juices is they cost A LOT of money and they taste awful! ExFuze Seven + incorporates Seven of these powerful botanicals for an outstanding price. We've also found that many of these juices are made from juice concentrate and are not easily absorbed into the body. Independent studies were conducted with these products and with ExFuze Seven +, the results is that Seven + was shown in lab tests to be the most directly absorbed into the body and health benefits were more readily achievable. But do not take our word for it! Hope you enjoyed the review.