I don’t mean that all thin people are not fit and strong. The exception from a rule applies here too. But most of us fall in “rules”. Gain weight and see people admiring your new found curves and glowing skin. Since the skin stretches with additional pounds it looks healthier and glows.
It is well known fact that being obese increases the risk of chronic diseases, being too skinny also can be a cause of heart failure and cancer. Elderly people being under weight can result them to be frail, and suffer from osteoporosis and prone to hip fractures. An underweight man can also increase chance of erectile dysfunction.
Putting on weight is not about stuffing yourself with junk food or anything which will harm your health than helping. Go through these tips to gain weight naturally and follow whatever is applicable to you.
Weight gain Tip 1: Make sure you are not losing weight!
Yes while you are doing all that you can to gain weight, it is more important to make sure that you are not losing those hard earned pounds without your knowledge. So get on that scale regularly and keep track that you are maintaining the current weight at least.
Don’t stuff yourself with too much of quantity in 3 meals a day to gain weight. Instead break it into 6 meals with regular intervals. Your goal should be to eat every 3 hrs and you are on right track to gain weight.
Weight gain Tip 2: Calories and calories
If you feel though you are eating enough still not gaining weight, then you have to check your definition of enough. Calculate your current calories intake and increase it by additional 300-500 calories per day and that should be your calories intake to increase your weight. With that you should be gaining 0.5 to 1 pound a week. If your weight gain is less than that, increase it by additional 300 calories per day and watch. Also it is very important to make sure you are not gaining too much too fast. Yup! Slow and study wins the race. So if you are gaining weight more than 1 pound per week, reduce your calories by 300 and get the right balance.
weight gain Tip 3: Weight training
OK now all that weight you are gaining will remain as fat which needs to be converted into muscle. So don’t start right away lifting heavy weights and pushing yourself to do ridiculous numbers of bench press, chin ups etc. Remember our mantra “slow and steady”. Start with running, stretching and light weight lifting and gradually increase on regular intervals.
When you are well into this step, your weight gain will be 1-2 pounds a week.
Weight gain Tip 4: Drink enough water
Yes I mean water not something you are expecting! One needs to drink half a gallon of water every day. If you can drink more than that still better. You don’t wish to be a victim of dehydration which may lead to many other health problems. And of course you want to increase your stamina and fitness right? Right, it is water therapy for you then.
Rest and Relax, give your body a break to enjoy this new attention that you are paying. Get good sleep and relax with music or friends. Be in the company of people who encourage you and appreciate your efforts. This is most neglected yet important tip.
Avoid trans fat at all cost and say yes to good fats. Though you want to gain weight, definitely you don’t want to gain weight which is just fat. Avoid too much of cakes and chips. Fried items and no more visits to fast food joints. Cut down on your daily intake of coffee and tea, if possible switch to green tea with more antioxidant, milk with protein powder.
Gaining healthy weight is as easy or difficult as losing weight depending on the individual and body type. But the fact to remember is it is possible. Don’t obsess over doing things right and pushing yourself to limits to gain weight. It is your body and you should love and accept it first and convince yourself that you are going to gain weight to make yourself feel better than to impress others. The key is to be consistent and be patient.